National Floor Covering Association

Promoting industry standards for resilient, carpet, hardwood, laminate, cork and bamboo floor covering installations.

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Affiliate Application

NFCA members are part of a group of companies dedicated to the highest standards of floor installation practices in Canada.

All applications for membership must satisfy a predetermined list of criteria, receive Board approval and must agree to the NFCA Code of Conduct.

For membership fees click here.

Les membres de la NFCA font partie d’un groupe de sociétés dédiées aux normes les plus élevées en matière d’installation de planchers au Canada.

Les demandes d’adhésion doivent satisfaire à une liste prédéterminée de critères, recevoir l’approbation du Conseil et doivent accepter le Code de conduite de l’ANCF.

Pour les frais d’adhésion cliquez ici.

Membership Application Form

Please complete all questions below (or enter N/A where not applicable):

    (read here)

    Billing Information

    Company website address (enter N/A if not available):

    Indicate whose contact details you would like to appear on your NFCA website listing:

    Please check the agreement box below:

    NFCA Member's Code of Conduct

    As a member of the National Floor Covering Association, our organization will work to ensure business is handled with integrity and respect and held to the following standards of professional conduct. My organization will educate our customers and provide them with all the information on our products and services they need to make confident and informed decisions. In day-to-day business, we will not accept practices or behaviors that reflect poorly on our organization or the flooring industry. We will support and embrace the NFCA mission and goals as a way to strengthen our own organization and the flooring industry as a whole. I understand that should the Code of Conduct not be adhered to, the NFCA reserves the right to discontinue our membership.

    Payment Details

    Please Note: Annual membership dues are invoiced in January and are payable net 30 days. Applicants joining mid year are only charged for the remaining number of months in that year.

    Annual Fees:

    Affiliate: $480 + tax

    Note: If paying by cheque please enter N/A in all credit card information boxes.


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